Perfume in Glamour Magic

Perfume in Glamour Magic

Aromas are integral to life because they directly affect our sense of smell, which dictates how we interact with the world around us. Scent, of all kinds, immediately evokes an emotion, feeling or reaction. For example, think about the eminent sweetness of roses, with an unmistakable floral majesty that calms and soothes. Alternatively, consider the stench of rotting produce when left in the trash or fridge for too long. It’s an affront to the olfactory system signaling avoidance at all costs.

Spellbound individuals can use this inborn sense of smell to their advantage via perfumes in glamour magic. This is a specialty in the art of spell casting, where someone uses illusion to acquire the desirable. Let’s discuss the potential uses of perfumes, their magical properties and how to source perfumes along with a couple words of warning.

Perfume’s Potent Possibilities

In glamour magic, perfume can attract, repel and protect from just about anything. It can transmit, transmute and transform all kinds of energy, negative or positive. Truly, the sky’s the limit with the only inhibiting factor being the imagination.

The most common purpose in glamour magic is for attracting love and romance. But, it often helps to boost confidence, command an audience, project an unspoken message and attain wealth. Some people apply it to become invisible, for spirit communication, to understand animal languages, for gaining a high-ranking position and to promote domestic harmony. Others may spray a specific array in an effort attain fame while some might aim for gambling luck, beauty enhancement or as a daily affirmation.

Yet, these objectives can go even further with things like spiritual assistance, winning in court, acquiring psychic abilities, overcoming obstacles, removing back luck, returning negativity to its sender and strengthening all five senses. Whatever the target, there is a way to make glamour magic work toward any goal and perfume is the perfect accoutrement.

Magical Properties of Scent

In order for perfume to operate properly in magic, a detailed understanding about scents is crucial. This means doing a deep dive into the world of botany and its relationship to the esoteric. The list below contains a small curation and their known mystical qualities::

·        Apple – gardening, healing, good luck, love, wisdom, fertility, immortality

·        Bergamot – boost magical energy, success, money, prosperity

·        Cinnamon – meditation, mental clarity, psychic abilities, purification, power, protection, success

·        Frankincense – blessings, protection, purification, mental clarity, balance, banish negativity, luck

·        Lavender – beauty, happiness, sleep, longevity, marriage, peace, purification, love, protection

·        Myrrh – spiritual awareness, funerary rites, protection, healing, exorcism, meditation, peace

·        Orange – divination, luck, money, marriage, beauty, prosperity, love, purification, happiness

·        Plumeria – divine offerings, love, gaining new powers, fertility, beauty, nobility, strength

·        Rose – love, lust, friendship, happiness, beauty, victory, secrecy, wisdom, psychic powers, divination, luck, protection, nurturing

·        Sandalwood – meditation, divination, power, psychic abilities, raise spiritual vibrations, consecration, protection, wishes, healing, exorcism, spirit conjuring

·        Vanilla – love, protection, sexuality, mental powers, raise spiritual energy

Sourcing the Right Perfumes for Glamour Magic

The right perfume intended for glamour magic must be high quality and topnotch. This means doing some digging into a manufacturer’s philosophy and the kinds of ingredients they use. They should only incorporate pure, organic extracts, natural solvents and genuine essential oils. They should also employ a clean distillation process and proudly label fair trade ingredients when applicable.

Your next consideration is whether to be specific about if the scent should exude florals, woods, resins or something else. This includes discerning particular overtones such as sweet, fresh, dusky, musky, sour, spicy, bitter or pungent. Your selection here relies on the kind of outcome you’re soliciting. For instance, if you want perfume for general daily use, then follow your nose to whatever suits you. But, if you want to be more specific, like wise love, then look for inclusions of apples and roses. If you want to increase psychic abilities, then find something blended with sandalwood, cinnamon and/or rose.

Also, glamour perfumery doesn’t only have to come out of a bottle. It can be soap, incense, beard oil, air fresheners, linen spray and bath additives or even skincare masks and facial cream. The idea is to emanate a particular aroma that will best fit the purpose. So, you can opt to do that according to your own best judgment, what’s available and what your environment allows. In other words, if your roommate doesn’t like perfume or incense, you may have to relegate it soap or facial cream.

Some Caveats & Warnings

Using perfumes in glamour magic is a great tool to get what you want and need out of life. But, as with any type of spell work, you must be honest about your true intentions. What’s at the very root of your heart and soul will be of the utmost importance.

Also, remember that casting spells on people, including yourself, carries grave responsibility. It can produce some unintended outcomes and consequences if you’re not careful or prepared. Far too often, people engage in glamour magic without being thoroughly grounded, not knowing well enough who they are and what they want out of life. What manifests can, does and will backfire in the worst ways.

To expatiate, if you’re trying to attract a lover, be specific about the characteristics you want and take steps to protect yourself. It would be a travesty of effort only to attract the wrong person. This might happen because of unresolved emotional issues from childhood or it could occur because you failed to mention “kindness” as a character trait.

One last thing: never name specific people for magical work unless you have their explicit permission. The final product will not be what’s intended and it always returns with an unsavory karmic fallout. Even in the off chance the outcome is favorable, providence will demand offerings and in-kind sacrifices you may not be willing to give.

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